Your Local Tree Removal Professionals
Lake County, FL
Trust your local Tree Removal experts in Lake County, FL, for safe and efficient Tree Removals, including technical and complicated cases. Regardless of the size or location of the Tree I am confident that we can properly dismantle and remove the tree with minimal impact to the surrounding property. Having 15 yrs experience as a tree climber has given me the ability to tackle the jobs where access for heavy equipment isn’t readily available. We have completed countless jobs where our customers thought it just wasn’t possible.
Not every tree is simply standing in the middle of a field ready to be laid over… Thats where we come in! It takes a combination of Knowledge, Experience, Patience, and the Correct Game Plan to make the Technical Tree Removals go smoothly. If you have a Tree Removal project please do your homework on the companies you are receiving estimates from. Do not focus simply on the price because a “Cheap Tree Guy” can become very expensive.
Tree Removals can be very challenging. Without proper knowledge, experience, and understanding they can lead to severe property damage, personal injuries, and even death. Our Job is very dangerous and we understand that. Safety is of the upmost importance with Kats Tree Service. When we are contracted for a Tree Removal project we come prepared with the correct tools for the job, we don’t get in a hurry, and will maintain control of the tree the entire time throughout the dismantling process. We do intentional tree work as there is no room for guess work.